Small Grant Applications

Small Grant Applications

Small grant applications

Each year, Haccombe-with-Combe Parish Council gives local community groups the opportunity to apply to the Parish Council for a small grant. It allocates funds in its budget under Section 137 of the 1972 Local Government Act which allows local councils to incur expenditure which, in their opinion, is in the interests of, and will bring direct benefit to the parish or all or some of its inhabitants.

Who can apply?

The Parish Council considers applications from the parish of Haccombe-with-Combe based groups if certain criteria are met, including:

• The organisation must be based in the parish of Haccombe-with-Combe with a membership of predominantly Haccombe-with-Combe parishioners and aims which benefit the inhabitants of Haccombe-with-Combe parish
• The organisation will be required to submit a copy of its constitution and copy of their latest accounts
• Groups making applications will be expected to demonstrate that other sources of funding have been sought prior to application

How to apply

For an application form, please email the clerk:

The Parish Council reserves the right to verify the details supplied in any application.

Successful applicants will be expected to have spent any grant awarded within 12 months. An income and expenditure statement and appropriate receipts will be required to be submitted to the Parish Council on completion of the project. The applicant will be required to return the whole or a proportion of the grant to the Parish Council if the purpose of the grant fails.

The grant of an award is entirely at the discretion of the Parish Council whose decision is final. The Parish Council will not enter into any correspondence regarding any decision made.